nail care tips

How to nail care tips at home so that fall color nail color

Ladies, pay attention to your nails! Care nail at home so that fall color nail color. They also deserve attention and health. Let’s learn how to care for your nails at home.

Here are some tips she recommends for caring for your nails

1. Trim your nails regularly

Doing this will prevent ingrown nails. To keep your nails softer, trim them shortly after showering or bathing. Use a nail file to round the corners or edges of your nails.

2. Use nail serum

Use a nail-strengthening serum to help repair your nails. Just like the rest of your body, your nails may benefit from keeping them moisturized. Try applying almond or avocado oil to your cuticles and nail beds before night to prevent them from drying out or becoming brittle. You got fall color nail color

3. Always keep nails dry and clean

Keep nails away from unclean or wet areas. This condition promotes the growth of bacteria under the nails, which can be challenging to remove. Additionally, prolonged, frequent exposure to moisture may increase the risk of nail splits.

4. Healthy high-protein diet

If you eat more foods like fish, almonds, and beans, your body can produce more keratin. Additionally, consider taking daily supplements such as biotin and fish oil and fall color nail color, which can be purchased at your nearby supermarket or health food store.

5. Be careful when getting a manicure or pedicure

Make sure the instruments your manicurist uses are clean and sterilized. Ask them to avoid touching your cuticles. To stop the spread of foot diseases, clean your baths with a bleach-water solution between foot baths.

6. Don’t use harsh nail polish

Nails can become more brittle when using nails containing formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate. Additionally, applying pigment to your nails frequently and over time may weaken or turn them yellow.

7. Stop biting your nails

If you bite your nails regularly, take action to stop it.
Overcoming this habit can be difficult, but it’s important because your mouth contains bacteria and germs that can quickly enter your body through abrasions caused by your teeth. So that fall color nail color.

8. How about trimming your nail cuticles?

Your nail cuticles should protect your nails and nail beds. When you trim your nails, push them inward, or clip them, you create a channel for dirt, grime, soapy water, and microbes like fungi, bacteria, and yeast to penetrate directly into the deeper layers of the nail bed or cuticle.

As a result, you may suffer from paronychia, sore nails, peeling, cracking, and even twisted nails. You can also develop brittle nails, fungal nail infections, and bacterial and yeast infections

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